Board of Supervisors


East Donegal Township
Board of Supervisors
Allen D. Esbenshade – Chairman
Michael L. Brubaker – Vice-Chairman
Kenton Sweigart – Supervisor

Local government of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is divided into a number of classifications i.e., cities, townships, and boroughs. There are two categories of townships in the Commonwealth – those identified as townships of the first class and those known as townships of the second class. Second class townships make up the greatest bulk of municipalities in Pennsylvania. East Donegal Township is a Township of the Second Class. It is governed by a three-member Board of Supervisors elected at large by the electorate. Most, if not all, of the executive and legislative powers allocated to East Donegal Township in the State Second Class Township Code are vested in the Board of Supervisors.

The Board of Supervisors is empowered to appoint professionals to assist them in the operation of the Township and to furnish advice and counsel on technical matters. Additionally, the Board appoints all of the members of the various advisory boards and commissions as well as the Zoning Hearing Board and the Planning Commission.

The levying of Township taxes and the appropriations to the various departments and subsidiary boards and commissions are the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors. During the months of November and December, public hearings are held for the purpose of reviewing the budget for the following year. Residents are encouraged to attend these meetings and to review the proposed Township budget during that time.

The East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm.  The Board holds public work sessions the third Tuesday of every month at 8:30 am.  The meetings are held at the East Donegal Township Municipal Building, 190 Rock Point Road. If you are a person with a disability wanting to attend a meeting and require any auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact the Township office at (717) 426-3167 ten days before the meeting date to discuss how we may best accommodate your needs.