Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members
- Charles Engle – Chairman
- Thomas J. Johnstin
- Phil Kling
- Daniel McGannon
- Cody Good
- Mitch Shellenberger
- Arlan Hollinger
The East Donegal Township Planning Commission consists of seven residents who serve as volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission works toward providing for the coordinated development of the Township and general welfare of its people.
The functions of the Planning Commission are to review subdivision land development plans, conditional use applications and lot line changes, and to make recommendations regarding these to the Board of Supervisors. As a guide in such a review, the following are used: Comprehensive Plan – a long-range general statement of the amount, intensity, and character of land use; Zoning Ordinance – precise, short-range, legal finding regulations on property use.
Because planning is a continuous process which shapes and guides the physical growth of East Donegal Township in harmony with its social and economic needs, the Planning Commission urges all members of the public to attend its meetings and make known their views.
The East Donegal Township Planning Commission meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. The meetings are held at the East Donegal Township Municipal Building, 190 Rock Point Road. If you are a person with a disability wanting to attend a meeting and require any auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact the Township office at (717) 426-3167 ten days before the meeting date to discuss how we may best accommodate your needs.