Zoning/Code Enforcement
Zoning Officer/Building Code Official:
Craig Underwood
(717) 426-3167
Hours for Zoning Officer & Building Code Official: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Mon-Thu and 8:00 AM – Noon, Fri
Permits are required for ALL buildings and structures and certain alterations and modifications of buildings and structures in the Township. The State Construction Code is also enforced in the Township. Check your deed restrictions and with your homeowners association before applying for a permit. See Uniform Construction Code Information
Zoning review of all permit applications submitted are accomplished to verify compliance with the East Donegal Township Zoning Ordinance with regard to the use of a structure or space within a building and any dimensional requirements such as setbacks from property lines or other property dimensions, and height of buildings and structures. A zoning review also identifies any floodplain and stormwater management issues.
A construction code review of all permit applications submitted are accomplished to verify compliance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (U.C.C.) with regard to the actual structural components and other related components such as insulation, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and accessibility. Permit applications are available at the Township Office located at 190 Rock Point Road, Marietta, PA 17547, or online at Permit Application
Applying For Permits
- Complete a Zoning/Construction Permit Application and submit it to the Township Office. Please attach all supporting documents with the application such as site plans, construction drawings and documents as well as any photos that may be requested and/or required. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.
- The Zoning Officer will review the application and check for compliance with the Township’s Zoning Ordinance.Some projects only require a zoning review since there is no construction code applicability; such as an accessory building under 1,000 square feet or the renovation of certain existing residential uses that do not involve any structural changes or modifications.
- If the project requires compliance with the UCC, this office, in conjunction with the Township appointed third-party agency (if necessary) will review the associated construction drawings and any other supporting information for compliance with the regulations of the statewide Uniform Construction Code. You may not begin any project until a Zoning/Construction Code Permit has been issued.
- Along with the completed application, please include three (3) copies of all supporting documents such as site plans, construction drawings and associated supporting documents, as well as any floodplain documentation.
- If any aspect or component will require the involvement of Code Administrators, Inc., an administrative fee of $50.00 will also need to be remitted with any permit application. (Contact the Township Office as to the need for the third party’s participation in the review procedure.) Incomplete applications will be returned. Fees are required for a permit based on the adopted fee schedule.
- Included with the issuance of a Zoning/Construction Code Permit will be a listing of required inspections, both from the Township as well as Code Administrators, Inc. (if so involved). It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact this office (and Code Administrators, Inc.) to schedule the appropriate inspections within the time frame indicated.
- The Building Code Official issues the Certificate of Occupancy when all inspections, reviews and fee payments are complete.
Zoning Ordinance Complaints
Chapter 27, Part 11, Section 1102. Duties and responsibilities of Zoning Officer, states the following:
The Zoning Officer shall administer this Chapter in accordance with its literal terms, and shall not have the power to permit any construction or any use or change of use which does not conform to this Chapter.
In addition, Chapter 27, Part 10, Section 1002.C. addresses the procedure for complaints regarding violations of zoning regulations and reads as follows:
C. Complaints regarding violations. The Zoning Officer may, and, when in receipt of a signed written complaint stating fully the cause and basis thereof, shall, investigate alleged violations of this Chapter. If a signed written complaint is received, said investigation shall be completed within 15 days of receipt of said complaint. A written report of all investigations of this Chapter shall be prepared and filed by the Zoning Officer and a copy shall be sent to the Board of Supervisors.
In order to investigate, the person making the complaint must provide the address and / or tax parcel # of the property where the alleged violation is taking place. In addition, the person filing the complaint must sign the written complaint and provide a daytime contact telephone number where he/she can be reached, so the Township can verify this is actually the person making this specific complaint.