Township Manager
Jeffrey Butler
(717) 426-3167
The Manager is responsible for the day-to-day business of the Township. He coordinates and directs the work of the various departments, is responsible for the preparation of the preliminary budget which is presented to the Board of Supervisors each year, and the administration of that budget throughout the year. He also serves as Secretary for the township. The Manager is responsible for policy development and implementation of township directives and ordinances. The Manager is appointed by, takes direction from, and is responsible to the Board of Supervisor.
Township Treasurer
Jodi Diaz
(717) 426-3167
The Township Treasurer is responsible for the accounting activities of the Township including, but not limited to accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, refuse billing and collection, budgeting and periodic financial statement preparation.
Township Roadmaster
Robert Ansell
(717) 426-3167
The Township Roadmaster coordinates and directs the work of the Public Works Department.
Act 44 Disclosures