

Township Adopts New Stormwater Management Regulations

You may have heard that new regulations for stormwater management are on the way. They are here!

The Township Board of Supervisors, at its regular meeting on May 1, 2014, adopted new stormwater management regulations consistent with the Lancaster County Act 167 Plan and in compliance with Pennsylvania regulations.

The ordinance enacting the new stormwater regulations can be viewed BY CLICKING HERE.

It is important to keep in mind that everyone is affected by stormwater management throughout the Township. Stormwater runoff is water that flows across the land, some infiltrates into the ground, some evaporates, and some flows into the streams, storm drains, or other water bodies. The Lancaster County Conservation District with financial and technical assistance from many groups recently published “The Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater”. The guide can be accessed on-line at: