Yearly Archives 2025


2025 Township Scholarship Information Now Available

The 2025 East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors Scholarship Program information, and application, is now available for pick-up at the Township Office, 190 Rock Point Road, or can be downloaded HERE.

Started in 2015, the program awards a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior currently attending Donegal High School, and a resident of East Donegal Township, that plans to further their education as a full-time student at an accredited junior college, college, university, or vocational school.  Award money is for one year only and for the purposes of tuition, books, and fees only.

A scholarship award selection considers (no priority given) field of study, character, scholastic record, involvement in community work, written recommendations and extracurricular activities of all applicants in determining the scholarship recipient.  Financial need is not an eligibility factor.

The application deadline is 4:00 PM April 10, 2025. Winners will be notified in writing by May 6, 2025 and will be invited to attend the Donegal School District’s Awards Program to be held on Monday, May 19, 2025.  The winner will also be asked to attend an East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors meeting and have their picture taken for the Township newsletter.

Scholarship awards will be paid directly to the school attended by the scholarship winner upon receipt of verification of enrollment at a college, university, or vocational school, successful completion of one semester of full-time enrollment and invoice of tuition for second semester of enrollment.

Employees and Board of Supervisors of East Donegal Township and their immediate family members are not eligible.


Lancaster County Property Assessment Encourages Residents to Update Property Records Ahead of 2027 Reassessment

Lancaster County Property Assessment Encourages Residents to Update Property Records Ahead of 2027 Reassessment

Lancaster County Property Assessment Office is preparing for the 2027 property reassessment and encourages property owners within the County to do the same. Counties are required by law to conduct periodic reassessments of all properties. The County of Lancaster previously completed reassessments in 2017.

A reassessment is the process used to determine accurate and fair property values within the County. The process of the assessment will begin in 2025 for the 2027 Reassessment. In 2025 and 2026, an assessor from the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office may visit your property for an outside-only inspection, including taking photos from the exterior of the property. Assessment staff will have county identification, and their vehicles clearly marked designating them to be from the Property Assessment Office.

The purpose of a reassessment is to ensure the fairness of taxes relative to property values, not to increase taxes. Reassessment does not generate additional revenue for the County or other real estate taxing bodies. Even though a property’s assessment may increase, taxing bodies must adjust their current tax rate to remain revenue neutral, before making any other adjustments.

Please contact the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office on questions or to assist residents with preparation for the 2027 reassessment.

For more information visit HERE


Snowstorm Delays Trash/Recycling Collection This Week (Again)

Due to the snowstorm conditions, trash/recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week.

Monday collection (January 20th) will now be collected on Tuesday (January 21st)

Tuesday collection (January 21st) will now be collected on Wednesday (January 22nd).

As always, please place trash to be collected curbside the night prior to collection. If windy conditions exist, please do not place recycling out for collection this week.