

Lancaster County Prescription Drug Discount Cards Continue to Offer Great Savings to County Residents

Lancaster County residents have saved more than 2.2 million dollars on more than 100,000 prescriptions medications with the Lancaster County Prescription Drug Discount Card Program; a program offered by the Lancaster County Board of Commissioners.

The cards are FREE and there are no eligibility requirements, enrollment forms, or membership fees to use program. Simply pick up a card and take it to a participating pharmacy to receive a discounted rate on prescription medications that are not covered by a health insurance plan. One card can even be used for the whole family!

We are happy to make the Lancaster County Prescription Discount Cards available to you at the East Donegal Township Municipal Building, 190 Rock Point Road. Please stop in to pick one up.

For additional information about the program or to find a participating pharmacy near you, please visit,, or call toll free1-877-321-2652. You may also contact the County Commissioners’ Office at 299-8300.

This program is available through the Commissioners’ partnership with the National Association of Counties (NACo) and is administered by Caremark.