

Township Meetings To Be Moved To Milanof-Schock Library During Township Building Renovation Project

library_milanofIn anticipation of the start of Phase 2 of the renovation of the Township Building, the East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors approved moving the Board’s regular monthly meeting, along with the meetings of the Township Planning Commission, to the Milanof-Schock Library, 1184 Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy.

The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission at the temporary location is scheduled for May 7, 2015.  The Planning Commission meets at 6:30 PM followed by the Board of Supervisors at 7:30 PM.

It’s expected that the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission will move back to the renovated Township Building in time for the December 2015 meetings.  Additional announcements will be made as the Township Building renovation project progresses.

Location Map – 1184 Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy PA


It should be noted that the locations of public meetings of other Township Boards and Commissions will be announced as needed.  Please feel free to contact the Township Office at 426-3167 for more information prior to scheduled meeting dates.