Annual Stormwater Management Public Meeting Scheduled for February 6th
The Supervisors of East Donegal Township will provide an update to the general public on the status of its ongoing Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) during the Board’s regualrly schedule public meeting to be held on Thursday, February 6, 2020. To accommodate this presentation, the meeting will start at 6:00 pm in the Township Building. Highlights from the previous permit year will be presented and discussed, as well as possible new or improved upon efforts. Interested citizens are strongly encouraged to attend and be a part of the discussion.
The Township is subject to terms and conditions of an issued Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. The MS4 Permit regulates the discharges of stormwater to local streams. A condition of the permit under Minimum Control Measure two (MCM #2) is an annual notification and update on the development and implementation of the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). One intent of the meeting is to solicit public input, and possibly participation with on-going SWMP activities.
The following topics will be presented and available for discussion:
- Status of SWMP goals
- Summary of planned activities and focal areas for the current/upcoming permit year
- Inquiry of concerns for future discussion
- Planned or known events that allow the public to participate
- Illicit Discharge, Detection, & Elimination (IDD&E) requirements
The following “Target Audience Groups” are encouraged to attend this meeting as information related to these groups will be discussed and presented:
- General Public
- Owners of private Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) BMP facilities
- Developers & Contractors
- IDD&E related individuals/groups