Township Now Provides On-Line Access To Township Ordinances
East Donegal Township’s full Code of Ordinances is now available online. For the past two years, the Township Zoning Officer has been working on updating the Township’s code book and now making the Township codes accessible on the Township’s website. Now, in collaboration with Municipal Code Corporation this goal has been achieved. Municipal Code Corporation is responsible for all content updates and maintenance of this web service.
The Board of Supervisors is excited that this service is now available to residents and other website visitors. Making this information available to the public online means that citizens can get their questions answered quickly, 24 hours a day; seven days a week. That kind of access to information about local government is what municipal websites are all about.
The E-Code website is searchable for your convenience. As with any searchable database, proficiency in searching for and acquiring the desired information comes with practice. The on-line code website also provides an online help capability and a tutorial to assist you with searching the Township’s Code Book section.
Questions about the online codes should bedirected to Craig Underwood, Township Zoning Officer/Building Code Official, by call the Township Office at 717-426-3167 or emailing him at