East Donegal Township Continues to Assess and Prepare for the Impact of COVID-19
East Donegal Township will continue regular office hours of Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to Noon. However, we are asking that the public limit access to the building for the safety of our staff and residents at this time. Note that you should not come into our building to make utility and trash payments. If you need to stop by, please use the drop box on the recycling shed located in the parking lot to the right of the building. Your payment will be credited against your account on the day you drop it into the box.
For trash pick-ups scheduled in April 2020, the required “extra bag” tags will be waived. We ask that you use common sense in limiting the number of extra bags placed curbside and not abuse this waiver. Please continue to check frequently for future updates regarding trash/recycling pick-up.
Please call or email to seek answers to questions regarding Township activities, concerns and complaints rather than visiting the office. Our phone number is 717-426-3167 or feel free to email. If you’re not sure which member of our staff you need to reach, use the contact information and/or contact form located at https://eastdonegaltwp.com/contact
Note that all public Township meeting are still being held as scheduled. Cancellations, should they occur, will be posted on the Township webpage.
We will provide updates to East Donegal Township specific information, such as a meetings, schedule changes, and other activities, but please utilize the following resources for accurate up-to-date information:
Lancaster County Emergency Management site with updates:
Emergency Management (Coronavirus Information):
Below are some official web pages/websites that provide additional information regarding the Coronavirus outbreak:
- PA Department of Health – https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx
- Centers for Disease Control – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html
- John’s Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering –
https://systems.jhu.edu/research/public-health/ncov/ - John’s Hopkins CSSE Coronavirus Worldwide GIS Dashboard –