

Township Seeks Bids For Farming of Riverfront Park Land

The Board of Supervisors of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, will be receiving sealed proposals from interested parties to rent and farm an estimated 81 acres, located along Vinegar Ferry Road and the Susquehanna River in East Donegal and Conoy Townships.  Interested parties can obtain a bid form at the Township Office located at 190 Rock Point Road, Marietta PA 17547 or by phoning (717) 426-3167.  Bids must be submitted to the Township by 3:00 PM on Thursday, September 30, 2021, to be publicly opened at 3:15 PM on Thursday, September 30, 2021.  The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all proposal and to award the bid in the best interest of the Township.

Download Bid Instructions and Bid Form Here