

Municipal Authority Finalizes Sale of Water System to Columbia Water Company

On Thursday, March 31, 2022, the East Donegal Township Municipal Authority (EDTMA) finalized the sale of the municipal water system to the Columbia Water Company. The sale does not result in an increase in the rates currently paid by East Donegal Township customers. Customers will continue to receive the same water they have been receiving when the EDTMA operated the system.

The EDTMA will continue to collect payments on its final billings sent to customers April 2022. Customers should make payments on these bills to EDTMA as was done in the past. Questions regarding this current billing should go to EDTMA.

The first billing from the Columbia Water Company should occur in June 2022. Details regarding how and where to make payments to the Columbia Water Company will be included with the June 2022 billing.

Since the Columbia Water Company now owns and operates the water system, emergency and maintenance questions should be directed to:

During Normal Business Hours – 717-684-2188

During Evenings, Weekends and Holidays – 717-684-2712