Permits Now Required For Solar Installations
East Donegal Township now requires that permits be obtained prior to the installation of any rooftop or ground-mounted photovoltaic solar panel energy system. Permit applications and other forms can be gotten from the Township offices or at the Township website at:
Submission for a permit to install a rooftop or ground-mounted PV solar array system will require a completed application, a detailed site plan indicating the location and layout of the system as well as any and all structural modification necessary and all electrical components associated with the installation. Contact the Township office for specific information.
Please be advised that regardless of the contractual arrangement identifying who is responsible for obtaining any required permits, as a contractor, you are, by law, responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained prior to initiating projects for which permits are required . Similarly, if you are a homeowner, you are equally, legally responsibility for ensuring that all permits are obtained prior to initiating projects for which permits are required. As the contractor, or the homeowner, please verify with each other that indeed required permits have been obtained. This is applicable to all projects requiring a permit.