

Trash/Recycling Rate Increase Proposed In 2023 Budget

The proposed 2023 Trash/Recycling Budget currently under consideration by the Township Board of Supervisors includes an increase in the annual rate for trash/recycling collection. The need to increase the rate charged to residents is a result of increases in the contracted cost for collection (12% increase), an increase in tipping fees for waste taken to Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority facilities (18.8% increase) and an increase in tipping fees imposed for recycling materials (15.4%).  These costs are significant factors in determining the fees imposed on residents for collection service.

As a result of the increase costs incurred, the Board of Supervisors is proposing to increase the annual collection fee from the current $230.00 to $250.00, an increase of 8.7%.  The fee will continue to be billed semi-annually ($125.00 each billing).

It should be noted that the Township is in the final year of a three-year contact with the current trash hauler.  Should the Township need to re-bid a collection contract for service starting 2024, residents could see a significant increase in the annual collection fee.  Surrounding communities that have recently bid for collection services are considering annual collection rates in excess of $300.00 to meet the increases in contracted hauler costs.

Residents are reminded that all refuse and recycling rules, regulations and special pick-up services remain the same.

Should you have questions regarding these changes, please feel free to contact the Township Office.