

Board of Supervisors Vacancy

The resignation of Tom Jones has created a vacancy on the East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors. The Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code states that the remaining Supervisors shall appoint a successor to serve until the next Municipal Election in November of 2023. The Supervisors encourage any individuals interested in being appointed to the open position to make their interest known to the Supervisors by submitting a letter to the Township Office stating your interest and reason you feel you would be a positive addition to the Board, along with a resume. Time is of the essence as an appointment must be made by the Supervisors within a prescribed timeframe. You must be a registered elector (voter) and resident of the Township for at least one year. The Supervisors will consider the responses to this request and may request an interview in a public meeting. For further information please contact Jeffrey Butler, Township Manager at 717-426-3167 or